What's in What's App?

What’s in what’s APP?

Well, what a day it was!

I got into touch with Chandru alias Chandra, Chandra Mohan, and Hassan nearly after 15 years today. We, what‘s apped for nearly an hour after a suspicious beginning, which after some time began to flourish as it used to be. The reason for the void all these years was the non-speak able!

Yes, our inflated egos. After years of “Agathin Thanimai” we now in our forties, strive to reach out once again as were during our school and college years and also in the process  get to know now that there is more in life than……. making money! Hopefully in the process the egos are shrinking too.

Well Chandra was a miracle baby when it came to PLAB and UK life. He joined us in 1995 to do PLAB, and that too in Scunthorpe, the mecca of PLAB attachments and aspirations, those days! Very intelligent to the core, he must have been and no wonder he passed the PLAB to the surprise and envy of too many of us who struggled to pass the same exam, let alone in the third or 4th attempt and also the ones who were struggling yet with the halo of a top rated performers form our college. Well his passing of PLAB, in the first shot, in UK, in 1995 created an influx, a mass exodus of everyone from our college, even the new born, born around Mint street,  to UK aiming for a the same feat and with a similar technique !

Chandra currently lives in US as a Bariatric Surgeon and I may need him soon and he may need me soon as a Geriatrician!

The other day I spoke to a school and a class mate of 12 years nearly after 28 years. It was lovely. He is a big time advocate in Chennai now and his name is also a Chandra with a sekaran. He reminded and we reminisced of the days and time we spent together at my home in Coral Merchant street, flying kites, playing carom, marbles and everything! The last time I spoke to him was likely in 1986.

I was in India recently and got a call from another school mate of mine called Jeyeshkumar Pallavarayar, and it was after 1984, 30 years ago, when he left our school to join a polytechnic. He is a big time business man in Chennai now.

We currently very avidly like to venture out seeking our good old friends and the nostalgic old wine in a new bottle lane with vivid, emotional memories of the past, triggering beautiful feelings and what not, with the help of FB, Twitter, Skype, Viber and what’s app. Surprises galore; with changed appearances, unrecognisable to the core, with most of them, and awe at their current positions and family life. It is so fulfilling and worth it!

In my opinion what’s app has revolutionised the human bonding exercise so far in the current 21st century. If last century belonged to internet and email, and last decade to FB, the current decade certainly belongs to what’s app. Well, though I am not sure what our forefathers were doing to fill up these traditional voids, which must have crept up perennially during their similar years or days, however,  as far as me concerned, I am enjoying these technologies as the giant leaps of the mankind!

Meanwhile,  I am also striving hard to make sure that a message meant for one group is not sent to the other unintended group in what’s app….wishing an app to stop me from falling into this human fallacy!

Please let me know if you come across such an app and kindly what’s app me!

PS: Many thanks to Chandru for triggering me to write this blog today nearly after 6 months. Happy New year 2015.


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