Da, Da, Da

Long hours and less sleep. Loads of food. Litres of alcohol. Less exercise. Post-Christmas and pre- new year sojourn. Festive and relaxed air. May be, my perception. Is it always like this at this time of the year?

Beautiful past few days with friend and families. Laughter eases us off. Loads of them. Laughter is the essence of life; essence is laughter interspersed with friends and families. Walked a bit last few days. Running is sparse. Few birthdays came and gone. Loads of us born in December I suppose.

“Kind words with a smiling face

Are better than gifts of grace”- Tiruvalluvar

“Agan-amarnthu eethalin nandre mukan-amarnthu 

Insolan aagap perin”-in Tamil 2000 years ago.

Conjugation came and gone. Jupiter and Saturn appeared together as a single bright star for few days, last week and sooner, last year. Closest they appeared for our naked eyes; albeit are 500 million miles apart.

Are we not victims of our own arrogance and life’s apparent absurdity? Shameless. Americans. Am shying away from comments yet on Trump, his trumpets and so called trumpism. To recover from a Trump era is not going to be easy; an unwanted oil spill over Antarctic, resonating perhaps around the world for next 10 years. Well , also resist and desist commenting upon Indian ugliness of a politicking and a British muddled operatic fiasco. Politicians, more on the anvil.

Kiddies are behaving and holing themselves in Nottingham; being monitored and mentored by friends. What a year it’s been for all of us, what a year shouldn’t have been for most of us and what a year it’s been for every one of us to learn about humility, humbleness, reciprocity and basically humanness for us human beings! Loads of us have shone through; lots of us have battled through; few of us may have managed to remain as humane as possible.

“Fishiness of a fish”-heard it from a friend recently. Eloquent expression. Similarly, Da, DA, DA; Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata.

TS Elliot in 1920’s heard DA DA DA from sky whilst he was versing for his famous “Waste land”, the Nobel poem. He laden them at the finale with an Upanishadham quote “Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata’- meaning “Give, Sympathise, Restraint” (composed 2000 years ago).

The loner stork was once again perched atop the metal bridge hoping for a good meal; crispy drizzle at the backyard and a thunderous sky at forefront proclaiming Da, Da, Da.

Happy new year folks; 



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